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98% Attendance Rate
100% Graduation Rate
15 Advance Placement Courses
10 Sports Teams
98% Attendance Rate
100% Graduation Rate
15 Advance Placement Courses
10 Sports Teams
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College Acceptances
Celebrating Our Students Success

EL Credentialing Visit
On March 11th and 12th, WESS will have the incredible opportunity to host the EL Credentialing team. Since our founding in 2015, we have worked toward this milestone, and being recognized as a candidate for credentialing is a testament to the power of the joyful, experiential learning that happens here every day.
The EL Education Credential honors schools that nurture students’ academic, social, and emotional growth while demonstrating excellence and equity in education. This process is deeply tied to our commitment to continuous improvement and equity, ensuring that WESS remains a place where all students thrive.
For more insight, please watch a special video created for WESS families by Jennifer Wood, Lead Credentialer. Below, you’ll also find reflections from school leaders who have gone through this process:
“We really valued the feedback from EL Education experts... Staff and students felt seen, heard, and honored throughout the visit.”
— Emily Volkert, Principal, Centennial: A School for Expeditionary Learning
“The credentialing process reaffirmed and realigned our school’s commitment to excellence, real-world learning, and high-quality student work.”
— Darci Novak, CEO, Niagara Charter School
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Thank you for being part of this exciting journey with us!
The EL Education Credential honors schools that nurture students’ academic, social, and emotional growth while demonstrating excellence and equity in education. This process is deeply tied to our commitment to continuous improvement and equity, ensuring that WESS remains a place where all students thrive.
For more insight, please watch a special video created for WESS families by Jennifer Wood, Lead Credentialer. Below, you’ll also find reflections from school leaders who have gone through this process:
“We really valued the feedback from EL Education experts... Staff and students felt seen, heard, and honored throughout the visit.”
— Emily Volkert, Principal, Centennial: A School for Expeditionary Learning
“The credentialing process reaffirmed and realigned our school’s commitment to excellence, real-world learning, and high-quality student work.”
— Darci Novak, CEO, Niagara Charter School
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Thank you for being part of this exciting journey with us!

District 3 Equity Fellows
WESS will be hosting the district wide Equity Fellows on March 11th. This is a great opportunity for WESS to showcase the work done within the school to push back against inequities within public schools.

Participatory Budgeting
Huge shout out to the Student Council for their work on Participatory Budgeting through the Civics for All program. More information can be found in the slides below.

Civics for all Week
Join our community in acknowledging Civics for All Week, check in with your Social Studies teacher for more information.

Robotics Team
Shout out to our Robotics team who took their creation to compete over the weekend.